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Giraffes are the tallest mammal on earth
There are 97,000 giraffes in the wild.
It’s illegal to hunt giraffes.
1,000 giraffes are in captivity.
A giraffe's tongue can be about 20 inches long.
Giraffes only need 30 minutes of sleep to survive and they can survive without water for a long time.
Lions sometimes kill and eat giraffes.
Giraffes have seven bones in their necks.
There are 5 different types of giraffes.
Giraffes can run 35 miles per hour. They eat vegetables therefore, the giraffes are vegetarian.
Giraffes aren’t extinct. One way that giraffes protect themselves from predators is by kicking them.
Giraffes will do a front kick if you get too close.

An adult ______ can look through a second story window.
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